Tânia Tomé develops research in the area of nonequilibrium statistical physics, is the author of several papers published in international scientific journals and published a book on Stochastic Dynamics. Born in São Paulo, she graduated at Physics by the University of São Paulo, (São Paulo, Brazil) where she also earned her master degree. With a thesis on the theme of irreversibility and self-organization, she earned a Ph.D. at Physics by the University of Campinas (São Paulo, Brazil) in 1987. Postdoctorated in both The City University of New York (New York) and the Rutgers University (New Jersey), where she studied out-of- equilibrium systems. She introduced the area of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics in the Institute of Physics of University of São Paulo in 1988, year in which she became a member of the faculty of the referred institute. In 1996 she earned the Habilitation degree in Physics and currently she's an Associate Professor of the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo.


Knowledge area: nonequilibrium statistical physics

Research interests

Stochastic models for population biology

Nonequilibrium phase transitions and critical phenomena

Entropy production in systems described by Markov processes


Researcher of Productivity at CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development)

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Instituto de Física
Universidade de São Paulo
Caixa Postal 66318
05314-970 São Paulo - SP
tel: (11) 3091-6796 ou 3091-6931
e-mail: ttome@if.usp.br

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