of Art Sculptures carved in wood inspired by chaotic
Recent works
D. Pinto, W. M. Gonçalves, and J. C. Sartorelli High dripping dynamics
in a leaky faucet (1998).
M. Gonçalves, R. D. Pinto, and J. C. Sartorelli, Hénon-like
attractors in the dripping faucet experiment (1998).
A. Tufaile,
R. D. Pinto, W. M. Gonçalves, and J. C. Sartorelli, Simulations
in a dripping faucet experiment (1998).
W. M.
Gonçalves, R. D. Pinto, and J. C. Sartorelli, Symbolic dynamics
analysis in the dripping faucet experiment (1998).
J. C. Sartorelli, Y. Hosoume e E. M. Yoshimura,
Lei de esfriamento de Newton (1998).
J. Procópio, J. C. Sartorelli e P. Coelho,
Bioeletrogênese (1998).
R. D. Pinto,
W. M. Gonçalves, J. C. Sartorelli I. L. Caldas and M. S. Baptista,
Interior crises in a dripping faucet experiment, Physical Review E, 54,
4009. (1998).
W. M. Gonçalves,
R. D. Pinto, J. C. Sartorelli, and M. J. de Oliveira, Inferring statistical
complexity in the dripping faucet experiment, to appear in Physica A (1998).
J. G. M. da
Silva, J. C. Sartorelli, W. M. Gonçalves and R. D. Pinto,- A scale
law in a dripping faucet, Phys. Lett. A 226, 269 (1997).
J. A. Fornés,
J. Procópio and J. C. Sartorelli, - Evidence for multipolar charge
distribution in falling drops, J. Appl. Phys. 80, 6021 (1996).
M. S. F. da
Rocha, J. C. Sartorelli, W. M. Gonçalves and R. D. Pinto,- Some
dynamical aspects of the water drop formation in a leaky faucet, Phys.
Rev. E 54, 2378 (1996).
W. M. Gonçalves,
W. M. Pontuschka and J. C. Sartorelli - An algorithm for the matrix representation
of the ESR hamiltonians - Computers and Chemistry, 20, (2), 275-279 (1996).
T. J. P. Penna,
P. M. C. de Oliveira, J. C. Sartorelli, W. M. Gonçalves and R. D.
Pinto, Long Range Anticorrelations and non-Gaussian behavior of a leaky
faucet. Phys. Rev. E, 52, R2168 (1995).
R. D. Pinto,
W. M. Gonçalves, J. C. Sartorelli and M. J. Oliveira, Hopf bifurcation
in a leaky faucet experiment, Phys. Rev. E , 52, 6896(1995).
J. C. Sartorelli,
W. M. Gonçalves and R. D. Pinto - Crisis and intermittence in a
leaky faucet experiment -Phys. Rev. E. , 49, 3963-3975 (1994).
J. C. Sartorelli
- NMR determination of the order-parameter exponent in Fe. 46Zn0. 54F2
- Phys. Rev. B, 45, 10779-10782 (1992).
W. M. ; Heinrich, A. F. e Sartorelli, J. C. - Aquisição de
dados para porta de jogos de microcomputadores Apple. Revista de Ensino
de Física, 13, 63-76 (1991).
de Séries Temporais da torneira gotejante, José Gustavo M.
da Silva, IFUSP, 1996.
da evolução temporal da formação de gotas,
Mário Sandro F. da Rocha, IFUSP, 1995.
de espectros de pó de RPE, W.M. Gonçalves, IFUSP, 1991.
granular de discos, Ronaldo
Castilho Marques Lima