Trabalhos Publicados
- Nestor Caticha
o trabalho de pesquisa teve apóio financeiro do CNPq, FAPESP, FINEP
e outros orgãos. Os estudantes envolvidos na pesquisa
receberam apóio de FAPESP, CNPq e CAPES
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(some of the .ps files can be downloaded from the archives)
( with J. R. D. de Felício and J. Chahine: Physica
A vol 351 pg 529-542) (2003)
Neural Computation 14, 2201 (2002)
(with J. E. Palo Tejada, D. Lancet and E. Domany)
invited contribution to the second edition of, The Handbook of Brain Theory
and Neural Networks
ed. M.A. Arbib, MIT Press, (c) MIT Press
(with M. Biehl ) (January 2003)
aceito para publicação nos Proceedings da MaxEnt 2000, 20th
International Workshop
on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering
(July 2000, Paris)
(with Peter Riegler)
- "Gradient descent learning in and out of equilibrium",
Physical Review E (vol 63) 6 (june 2001)
(with E. Araújo de Oliveira).
- "Variational studies of learning algorithms
for the Binary Perceptron",
Physical Review E (vol 62) 5 pg 6999( 2000)
(with E. Botelho e C. R. de Mattos).
- "Universal asymptotics in committee machines
with tree architecture"
On Line Learning in Neural Networks, Editor D. Saad, The Newton Institute
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (1998),
(with Mauro Copelli).
Machine Learning Journal. V. 32, issue 2, 179(1998),
(with R. Vicente and O. Kinouchi).
Physica A 257, 28(1998),
(with S.M. Kuva and O. Kinouchi).
Philosophical Magazine B 77, 1565 (1998)
(with Osame Kinouchi).
Journal of Physics A: Math. Gen. 30, L599 (1997),
(with Renato Vicente).
- "Noise robustness in multilayer neural networks"
Europhysics Letters., 37, 427 (1997) ,
(with M. Copelli, R. Eichhorn, O. Kinouchi, M. Biehl, R. Simonetti and
P. Riegler).
- "On-Line learning in the Tree K-Parity Machines"
Journal of Physics A: Math. Gen. 29, 4859, (1996),
(with Roberta Simonetti).
- "An algorithm which gives the Bayes generalization
limit for perceptrons" ,
Phys. Rev. E54, 54 (1996),
(with Osame Kinouchi).
- "Equivalence between learning in noisy perceptrons
and tree commitee machines",
Phys. Rev. E53, 6341 (1996),
(with Mauro Copelli and Osame Kinouchi).
- "Optimal Local Learning in a Multilayer Machines",
Anais do II Congresso Brasileiro de Redes Neurais, Caloba e Pedreira Eds.
Curitiba, Agosto 95
(with Mauro Copelli and Osame Kinouchi)
- "On-line versus off-line learning in the linear
perceptron: a comparative study" ,
Phys. Rev. E52, 2879 (1995),
(with Osame Kinouchi).
- "On-line learning in the committee machine"
Journal of Physics A: Math. Gen. 28, 1615 (1995),
(with Mauro Copelli).
- "Pulsed nuclear quadrupole resonance in nonuniformaly
disordered systems" ,
Phys. Rev. B51, 8848 (1995),
(with S.R. Rabbani, J.G. dos Santos and D.J. Pusiol).
- "From quenched to annealed: a study of the
intermediate dynamics of disorder",
JJournal of Physics A: Math. Gen. 27, 5501 (1994).
- " Lower Bounds for Generalization with Drifting
Rules ",
Journal of Physics A: Math and Gen., 26, 6161 (1993),
(with Osame Kinouchi).
- " Damaged Perceptrons and the ``Wisconsin Test.''",
Proceedings of the World Congress on Neural Nets 1993 (Portland WCNN'93)
Volume III, pg 381-384;
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers and INNS Press, Editors
(with Osame Kinouchi).
- " Dreaming in Analog Associative Memories ",
Proceedings of the World Congress on Neural Nets 1993 (Portland WCNN'93)
Volume II, pg 443-446;
Lawrence Erlbaum
(with Silvia M. Kuva).
- "Optimal generalization in perceptrons",
Journal of Physics A: Math and Gen., 25, 6243 (1992),
(with Osame Kinouchi).
- "Phenomenological quantum electrodynamics in
periodic dielectric media" ,
Physical Review B46, 479 (1992),
(with Ariel Caticha).
- "Biased learning in perceptrons",
Physica A185, 411 (1992),
(with Osame Kinouchi).
- "Resonant cavities for X-rays: Dynamical diffraction
of dipole radiation at Bragg Angles near pi /2" ,
Physica Status Solidi B168, 625 (1991),
(with Ariel Caticha).
- "Numerical determination of the order of phase
transitions in Ising systems with multispin interactions",
Physical Review B43, 1173 (1991),
(with J. Chahine and J.R. Drugowich de Felício).
- "The stimulated emission of X-rays",
Anais do III Simpósio Estadual de Lasers e Aplicações
ed. C.A.S. Lima, Editora da Unicamp, Campinas (1989),
(with S. Caticha-Ellis and A. Caticha)
- "Monte Carlos renormalization group with evolution
in the space of parameters",
Physical Review A40, 7431 (1989),
(with J. Chahine and J.R. Drugowich de Felício).
- "Using the Ferrenberg-Swendsen method for Non-Universal
Exponents" ,
Physics Letters A139, 360 (1989),
(with J. Chahine and J.R. Drugowich de Felício).
- "Non-Universal Exponents and Marginal Operators
via Monte carlo Renormalization Group"
Journal of Physics A: Math. Gen. 22,1639 (1989),
(with J. Chahine and J.R. Drugowich de Felício).
- "Resonant cavity for the stimulated emission
of X-rays" ,
Applied Physics Letters 54, 887 (1989),
(with A. Caticha and S. Caticha-Ellis).
- "Limit theorems for spin systems with na Abelian
discrete symmetry" ,
Journal of Mathematical Physics 29, 2491, (1988).